Recently, my knitting/playgroup friends and I agreed to start a cooking club. The plan is to get together once a month around a food theme. The host chooses the themes, prepares the main dish, and provides beverages. We all get along quite well and are really hoping our men-folk will get along, too. Last Friday was to be our first cooking club night and Mike and I were the hosts. We chose authentic mexican and planned to make Turkey with Red Mole (Rick Bayless), serve margaritas, Mike's homebrew, and mexican hot chocolate. We began preparing the mole on Wednesday. We washed all our china (because honestly it was super dusty from not being used) and our stemware. And then Friday came and I woke up and felt like I had been hit by a truck. Hello sinus infection. We ended up canceling cooking club (whimper) but Mike finished the turkey dish because we couldn't keep partially-cooked turkey around. The turkey with red mole was served with white rice and vegetables (frozen, because we're sometimes fancy like that). It was seriously tasty. Smokey, spicy, deep, and rich. And, cooking club is rescheduled for March so we get to try this all over again! Luckily, we have a batch of red mole in the freezer because it was quite a bit of work.

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